
About Me

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Charlotte, NC, United States
God first life second. I am 37 years old. I am a author and poetess.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Steve Harvey Mentoring 09-Good Morning America

Watch the Mentoring Weekend through the cameras of Good Morning America

Father's Day With Steve Harvey

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My son, Dorian, age 16 was one of the 100 young men honored to be a participant of the inaugural Steve Harvey Mentoring Weekend (Father's Day weekend, to be exact). There were 4000 submissions and only 100 chosen. I was ecstactic and he was in awe. The event was life changing. Please enjoy this clip, as it only shows a snapshot of the miracle of changing lives. My thanks to God and to Mr. Harvey.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Pressure to Over Eat

Do you over eat to compensate for pain, guilt, lonliness or frustration? Millions do. But what happens at the end of the binge, added guilt. Be careful when you are confronting difficult situations. Food... ie overeating of food is not your friend.

Take a different route!

Go crazy on the ellipitcal
Dance wild and hard to a fast beat tune.
Walk it out-- on the tread mill
Serve some justice pumping some weights
Really angry, jump rope
Drink plenty of water
Snack on Green (sugar snap peas)

Peas belong to the vegetable family known as legumes whose plants produce pods with enclosed seeds. Legumes are protein-rich, low fat, nutritional additions to almost any meal, and peas are certainly no exception. In fact only lima beans are a better vegetable source of protein than peas. To me, there is nothing better than fresh peas stripped from their pods, boiled quickly and then tossed with some sweet butter and salt; they are sweet, tender and delicious, and so very nutritious.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

REAL Ministry -Help my unbelief

REAL Ministry with VeeVeca
"Help my unbelief"

This morning I walked out to the car and noticed my parents big yard full of green well maintained grass. Each stem seemed perfect in its own regard. In my spirit I heard, "I know the thoughts I think towards you are good and not evil. I will give you a good and expected end."

I replied, "I wish I could see and live out what you see right now. Because most of the time, I feel overwhelmed to circumstance. Much clearer I heard it precisely. "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." [Jeremiah 29:11]

As I lifted my size Extra into the truck, I exhaled. "Lord have mercy." If only I could trust God more than I see the issues in my life! Then I cried, "Help my unbelief." In the bible Mark 9, there was a man who had a son that had a "dumb spirit". The father took the son to the disciples for healing. They couldn’t heal him. The father went to Jesus and Jesus spoke to the man, "How long as he been like this?" The man said, "Since he was a child." Jesus said to him, "If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief." [Mark 9:23-24]

When in doubt, look at your belief. Are you concrete in the theory that change can happen? Or have you been so disappointed that all efforts look like failure? Believe it or not, "Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all." [Psalms 34:19]

It’s hard to hold on to a rope that is unraveling. But if God is on the other end of your rope, fall or swing, you will survive. "Unless the LORD had been my help, my soul had almost dwelt in silence." [Psalms 94:17] Ask God today to help your unbelief and to swing you his way. Be encouraged!

VeeVeca– Real Ministry

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Book Review: Metamorphosis by DJ McLauren

Oh snap! DJ McLaurin has did it again. Metamorphosis happens not only within the pages but inside of your own heart and mind. She puts the "gotcha" in action. The characters– Michael struggles with love and Chachi fights for love. The confrontations of love can be a hit or miss. But it is wonderful watching the contenders stand up for the fight of their lives, with villains plotting to snatch the next breath. It's raw footage seeing who will be the last one standing. Metamorphosis is a beautifully written story with sexual orientation hanging in the balance of thought. It has been Kissed by Verbal Conquest.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Faithful in "I don't know"

Faithful in "I don’t know"

Remember the toy Jack in the Box. After the knob is turned, Jack springs out in full blast. His face is happy. His arms are stretched out in expectancy.

How many times do you feel like Jack in the Box waiting to emerge from the hold? It seems nobody is turning the knob to release you, not even God. What do you do?

You believe that eventually somebody will turn the devicel to release you. But after awhile, the human cramped up side of you, eventually loose hope. " I am squeezed up, tied up, frustrated and disgusted. I am stuck and it looks like I’m never coming out of this thing."

Yeah, I’ve said it too. Everybody has at some point in their lives. And if they haven’t, just keep living. The chance will come.

While the pressure to pop out is on you and you just "don’t know" when change will come, trust the changer. God sees all and he knows exactly where you are. And if he needs to pop you out from the bottom out or even at the sides, he knows– just how do you.
VeeVeca– Real Ministry