
About Me

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Charlotte, NC, United States
God first life second. I am 37 years old. I am a author and poetess.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Weight Wait ...Whatever

Last night I was watching Entertainment Tonight. They aired a snippet of Oprah’s show featuring Kristie Alley. My stomach knotted up.
Kristi Alley is beautiful lady. Years ago, she gained weight and became a spokesman for Jenny Craig. She lost 75 lbs two years ago and appeared on Oprah in a two piece swim suit. What a major accomplishment.
Entertainment Tonight did an update how she has gained the weight back. The full story will be on Oprah today.
As I watched them talk about Kristi, I thought about myself. I use to hate my weight struggle and I fought soberly to win the badge over bulge. Don’t get it twisted, I was never thin. The smallest I have ever been was a size 16, which took the marine core the army and airforce and navy to stay at.
Name it I dang near did it in the struggle to be thin enough. I did Akins for 8 long months. My hair thinned out and I was dumb as a potato. My brain became a frig’n sponge absorbing nothing. Ha ha. Finally, I gave that up and went on to another billion dollar fight with fat.
I eventually hurt my back during aerobics and a zumba dance class. Doctors diagnosed me (after Xrays and wretched mri and too many dang insurance co-pays) with degenerative joint disease. The pain was relentless and unending.
That year during Christmas, I went to get gifts. As soon as we got into the store, pain crippled me. I was so embarrassed standing in the middle of the store in tears. My sons helped me to the car. My oldest wasn’t much taller than me at the time. I was so lost. Couldn’t exercise. Couldn’t do nothing to battle my bulge other than eat right.
Humph, my body is a pro at weight loss attack. It girts down and buckles up against any attempt to take away fat cells. It loves the extra like net's and flys love watermelon on a hot summer day. It's a heavy weight contender for sure.
I don’t love the extra, but I’ve learned to like me the way I am-que sara sara. I pray to be healty and to make better choices about food, exercises and the whole gambit. I am too broke to spend any more money on fake pills, diet scams and crap that won't work, never can work, will only work on models in pictures that were already thin and marketers found a fat girl that could sorta look like her after shedding a million pounds. Whatever. I the end, life is too short for burdens .
(PS—During National Novel Writing Month 08, I began writing a book regarding these very issues. Soon to Come )

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I Matter Article by Iris Celeste

As a Woman Thinketh article of the week...I Matter!
This incredible article has liberated me. Given me wind beneath my feet, even though my knees may be shaking, I feel different after reading those words.
As a little girl, I thought about when I grow up, I will be this and that. Funny, I grew up and did become this but what about that. Shouldn't that exist also?
Iris Celeste has resuscitated my existence. I need to do that thing too. Why? Because I matter. Click here to read the article in detail. You'll be glad you did.

Share the love.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Am I fat?

Have you bought a new outfit? Did you pull it up with ease?
When you checked your appearance in the mirror, did you get queasy facing the fat stranger looking back at you? If so, don't bother asking anybody the question that you already know. Am I too fat?
Of course you are fat? Your body is under seize of burgers, fries, milk shakes, chocolates, and no exercise. Face it, another dress size or belt buckle was in that last bite. Now you got to face habits and choices. Not too pretty, huh.
There is no magic fix. But you can change your outlook. The same bites that put on the extra pounds are the same bites (with different foods) that will reduce your weight.
Make a plan to be diffent. Exterminate your house of Heavy weight food that caused you to be fat. You must replace those items with healthier choices- veggies/fruits. Then make a plan to exercise-something is better than nothing three times a week. Challenge yourself to walk a mile. Then challenge yourself to do 100 situps a day. Make it fun.
Change your Thoughts/changes your mind!
Verbal Conquest

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Price of a Lash

Is it beauty or vainity?

Nice flirty lashes are gorgeous. Paying $20 or more to keep them looking fierce can become a line item to every diva's budget.

So why do we do it? We want to be fierce and fabulous on every stage. But what is it costing in the end....
After the first two weeks of wearing fake lashes, I had them touched up. Then a week later they were re-applied at the salon. Ouch. The technician pulled and yanked harder than pulling teeth. I didn't realize that my own lashes were coming out too. Oh boy! Take a look to the right at the aftermath. My once seemingly okay lashes are now bald (not totally). So what do I do now?
Do I muse back into time waiting for my own lashes to grow back. Or, do I run forward to the eye lash mercenaries to redeem my eyes with some fake ones again? Wozy Woe-- the price of a lash just went up for me.
Verbal Conquest-The price of glam

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day Five-The Shack (finished)

The Shack is a good read. It is a journey of hardship and spirit. Mackenzie Phillps didn't have the best childhood, like so many. But he took the lumps of hard luck and hardness and lived. Yet somewhere deep down in the recesses of his being, pain filtered through the drawers of his mind and there was no room for anything else. Tragedy happens and life gives Mackenzie a choice-- live in grief or face the pain. But between the destiny of choice, there is God. Is the the blame for life calamities? Or is he help? Mackenzie Philips is an everyday man hit one time too many with the bat of life. But he gets to swing and life is hit hard. Questions from forgiveness to indepence to trust comes to view. Mackenzie expresses true emotion of a father, a man, a human being seeking relief. Reading this book has renewed me and given me a greater outlook.

5 Thumps up
Verbal Conquest

Accept Your Season

Real Ministry with VeeVeca

Accept Your Season

We have heard the scriptures, there is a time and a season for all things. But why is it not sticking to the matter in our heads? Do we think that somehow some way we can be exempt from the hard seasons–

1TO EVERYTHING there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven:
2 time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to pluck up what is planted
3A time to kill and a time to heal, a time to break down and a time to build up,
4A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5A time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
6A time to get and a time to lose, a time to keep and a time to cast away,
7A time to rend and a time to sew, a time to keep silence and a time to speak
8A time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. [Ecclesiastes 3:1-8]
Is it true that even I, with my bible reading, bible talking, trying to live right self will still have to experience hard times of trouble?

Yes. I am sorry if that disappoints you. But think about this: Without lessons, there is no knowledge. Without test, there is no application. Without labor, there is no growth. Even you, must grow. No test. No testimony.

Whatever the season you find yourself in, seek to find this question– God is my _________. As this answer is revealed to you, peace will come and you will be stronger for the test and the season. And then finally you can declare, "I know that whatever God does, it endures forever; nothing can be added to it nor anything taken from it. And God does it so that men will [reverently] fear Him [revere and worship Him, knowing that He is" [Ecclesiastes 3:14]

Verbal Conquest-Real Ministry

Friday, April 17, 2009

Day 4-The Shaft

The Shack Day 4-- What if I wasn't afraid to really tell the truth, would I still be honest enough or even brave enough to do so? God showed Mack a real truth about himself. He was hiding in his own lies pretenting to be looking out for someone else. Lord have mercy. I think I do it too. Why? Because like Mack, I don't like facing the monster called emotions. Those dasdardly things can be too much. For me, sometimes it can cause me to take to the bed. Chyle pleaze, taking to the bed is serious. It is what I have called my phase of depression when I can't talk, eat, or do anything else but lay in the comfort of a pillow and covers pulled up to my neck. I might look crazy, but trust I am in the arms of the Lord. Cuz where else can I go? I've tried to handle it and it didn't get me anywhere. So taking to the bed is essentially laying in the arms of the Lord.

I am just a few pages shy of being finished, but I am savoring every moment to share my experience. I am enjoying my reviews.

Verbal Conquest--Real Ministry

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Shack-day 3

The Shack -day 3
I am sitting in the suv waiting on my son who is at track practice. This book is more than a spiritual encounter. It is thought provoking and challenging. Today, I found great interest in God's thoughts about relationships. Take a look... "Relationships are never about power, and one way to avoid the will to hold power over another is to choose to limit oneself-- to serve." Wow. As children of God, we need to learn this lesson.
Help us Lord to invoke perfect love as you made it to be, not comprised of what we think or what we've preceived it to be. Let us will to be servants to love. Teach us, God, to love without power trips or strong holds. Amen.
Verbal Conquest-Real Ministry

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Day 2-The Shack

Day 2-The Shack

I am deeply moved. Mack is face to face with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. They have human character. They laugh, joke, and play around. Not quite the picture human-kind would expect of the Trinity. Mack finds himself intrigued ..."broken humans center their lives around things that seem good to them but will neither fill them nor free them...."

To be continued--


Exhortation: Peek-a-boo

Stop playing games with life. What if this was your last week on earth? What would matter and what would not?

Take a second and search for true happiness and not surface satisfaction. Stop playing peek-a-boo with affections that do not return the semblance. Life is a drawing board. Playing peek-a-boo will not create a work of art. It plays the same game with the same expected results.

Stand up and pitch your confidence high. You have life to live.

Verbal Conquest: Real Ministry

Friday, April 10, 2009

I am reading, The Shack.. end of day 1

The Shack by WM . Paul Young

The end of day one... I was very emotional as you can see. This book is making me look at my own life, my own relationship with God. Even so, I am learning that the worst place to be can be the best place to find God. "I collect tears." That blew me away. I photographed my emotions to share the impact this book has. He/she (God neither male or female), reveals their identity within the pages that Mackenzie Philips is blown away-- me too. What we think of God can be totally conformed by concepts of a religion and not reality, as Mack learns. It's time to look beyond scripted verses of an average God to see the life, light, of a smarter than human God. More to come

VeeVeca Lavoira

Thursday, April 9, 2009

What I am reading, NOW...

The Shack by WM. Paul Young
I'm not even half way through this book and already it has me glued to its pages. Have you ever been so mad that you feel deranged? Try adding death of a child to it. Mackenzie Phillips is feeling it somekind of bad. Is there even a God and if so, where?......... to be continued...

Monday, April 6, 2009

Fill in the Blank

If I had __________ I would be alright. How would you fill in the blanks? Dreams can be like reaching for the stars or fishing for sunken treasure . It’s tedious at best. Only the desperate and unwilling will get the stars and treasure. What can you do to fill in your blanks today?

Thank you Lord for this day. Thank you for your presence in my life. Help me to walk towards my dreams. My hands are blessed. I am your tool in today’s world. Allow me meet destiny in full sobriety talking the right talk and walking the right walk. Give me creativity of heaven and wisdom of Solomon. Let me be a daily bread to the Kingdom of God in all that I do, Amen.

Verbal Conquest [Real Ministry]