
About Me

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Charlotte, NC, United States
God first life second. I am 37 years old. I am a author and poetess.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Faithful in "I don't know"

Faithful in "I don’t know"

Remember the toy Jack in the Box. After the knob is turned, Jack springs out in full blast. His face is happy. His arms are stretched out in expectancy.

How many times do you feel like Jack in the Box waiting to emerge from the hold? It seems nobody is turning the knob to release you, not even God. What do you do?

You believe that eventually somebody will turn the devicel to release you. But after awhile, the human cramped up side of you, eventually loose hope. " I am squeezed up, tied up, frustrated and disgusted. I am stuck and it looks like I’m never coming out of this thing."

Yeah, I’ve said it too. Everybody has at some point in their lives. And if they haven’t, just keep living. The chance will come.

While the pressure to pop out is on you and you just "don’t know" when change will come, trust the changer. God sees all and he knows exactly where you are. And if he needs to pop you out from the bottom out or even at the sides, he knows– just how do you.
VeeVeca– Real Ministry

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