
About Me

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Charlotte, NC, United States
God first life second. I am 37 years old. I am a author and poetess.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Real Ministry with VeeVeca-- Soft Landing

Soft Landing

As you travel through your Monday through Sunday, I bid you Soft Landing. What does that mean? Come let's board the Life Flight.

  • When you get up on the wrong side of the bed, I hope a soft floor will please your steps.

  • As you start on your way, may God create in you a clean heart and a renew a right spirit in you.

  • I pray you board this Life Flight with confidence and purpose.

  • Old bags can't come along.

  • But, if they should come along and you stumble on your way, may the attendant of Mercy and Kindness restore you again.

  • Remember– The mercy you get is the mercy you extend. Nobody is perfect.

  • This flight is for everybody– jacked up and all.

  • Board with God and buckle up with His Word.

  • Should negativity come your way, I pray a bit of sunshine will lift your head in glee.

  • For the moment when you need to be heard, I hope you'll talk to God first.

  • I pray you travel in meekness, despite the agony of your past.

  • I wish you a beautiful sky to look upon, aside from your clouds of pain.

  • May good opportunities to meet you head on, as you wait patiently for the connection.

  • If you have some turbulence, don't worry. God is on board.

  • Forgive more than you intend.

  • Let peace have her way with you.

  • Don't fight, murmur or complain.

  • Laugh more than you frown.

  • If a tear should fall, may there always be a soft tissue or a strong hand to remove the stain.

  • Forgive the past and look bright toward the future.

  • This Life Flight is long and often there are no perks to the ride.

  • Use what you have to make the best of the moment.

  • Don't get side tracked, caught up on the time.

  • Where you have been isn't where you are going.

  • Take a deep breath, may you have Safe Landing.

In life we all go through hardness, turmoil, and adversity. May you have a soft landing through your trials and storms.

No matter the climb or struggle within, trust God with every heavy situation and circumstance. He is still the God of catching cares. His glove is never frayed or broken.

Stay encouraged in the heavy– and move Forward
Real Ministry: VeeVeca

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