
About Me

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Charlotte, NC, United States
God first life second. I am 37 years old. I am a author and poetess.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Real Ministry with VeeVeca

  • It's my Life

    Motivating Scriptures: "Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God." [Colossians 3:2,3]

    Are you caught between your life and the life others want you to live?

    How many lives do you think you have? Do you have 9 lives as a (folk lore) cat does? A life that can be discarded when things go wrong and a new one zapped into reality at will?

    If this were true, it would be no big deal to let other people run your life and there life too. Why not let others run 8 of those lives and you run the last one for yourself. Go ahead. Fork over those lives to those who feel they can run it better than you. Smile big and hand it over to them saying, "Have fun with it, okay?" Nine times out of ten, they will not do much better. Of course one person may show you up, but who cares. They may be smarter, older and even more experienced. But the fact is simple– there is only one life to live!

    Each person is born with the gift of life. It's one life, one chance, and one shot. There is not a collect $100 and swing around the board game of life again. It's a one shot journey. Sometimes you win the most and sometimes it's errrh– too many losses to contend with. But the fact is, this is life. The one shot living that can't be erased or vacuumed away.

  • Make room for mistakes
  • Open up to face reality
  • Be the bigger person to say "I'm sorry. I don't know it all."
  • Find a reason to smile every single day.
  • Sneak in some chocolate
  • Then get some growing room-- Growth to be a better you.

    Ultimately, we must remember– "I am a work in progress. God is not finished with me yet."

    No matter the climb or struggle within, trust God with every heavy situation and circumstance. He is still the God of catching cares. His glove is never frayed or broken.

    Stay encouraged in the heavy– and move Forward
    Real Ministry: VeeVeca

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